As I was reading Mark 6 it talked about John the Baptist and how it came about that he was beheaded. My heart cried for him. He was a man who plowed the way for Jesus, he baptized and planted seeds.. Yet he, just like Jesus was persecuted. Maybe not in the same way, but here he was in prison and Herod’s wife who hated John so much used her own daughter to get what she wanted. The reason John died was so that Herod could save face in front of his friends. He didn’t want to kill John the Baptist, he was afraid of him and knew him to be righteous and holy. Yet he succumbed to his own self interests and had him killed.
How often do we do things in order to “save face” in front of someone? We think what will they think of me if I do this or that? We don’t stand up to what we believe in our hearts to be true. I’ve done this a lot of times and I know I have hurt God by doing it.
I ask for forgiveness and I pray that I can stand up for what I believe in and that through God I can find the strength to say no.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2Timothy 1:7 NKJV
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