Saturday, June 1, 2013


As my husband, Mike and I begin to clear out our home for a move I chuckle to myself as I watch my grand-daughter through this move. Every time I set something in the garage to sell  or discard she’s right behind me bringing back in what I set out.

I started thinking about her doing this and wondering why she does it. She finally told me that she loves these things and wants to keep them. Then the Lord brought to my mind the things that He tries to take away from me and I bring them right back into my life.

What I find amazing is just how  much “stuff” can accumulate. And just like my granddaughter, we sometimes have a hard time throwing  “things” away, thinking that we may “need” them someday.
But you know what? That someday usually never comes! Not only do we let “stuff" accumulate in our homes, we let it accumulate in our hearts as well ~ un-forgiveness, resentment, anger, are among some of the “things” we hold in our hearts. These are the things that we must clean up and get rid of in order for us to become the men and women that God wants us to be! It’s not easy to let go of “stuff”, but if we are willing God is faithful, and He will help us clean out all of the unwanted “stuff” in our lives.

For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.                                           Psalm 33:4

Always remember to look up!

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