Saturday, July 20, 2013

Awkward Prayer

The other day in my prayer time I started talking to God and as I prayed I began thinking about how God might hear my prayer. Does He hear me the way I hear myself? Because I hear myself as someone who searches for the “right” words to say. I know God doesn’t care about what I sound like, just so long as I worship Him in prayer. We need to forget about what we say or how we say it, me especially.

Prayer is not for God's benefit - it's for yours! Where else can you go to bare your soul without fear, and walk away cleansed, comforted, and corrected?   
Psalm 91:15 says, He will call upon Me, and I will answer him... There it is in black and white - God's invitation to ask and His promise to answer. What more do you need?

It's better to pray awkwardly than not at all.

Always remember to look up!

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