Thursday, July 9, 2009

Busyness and Remembering

I want to share something with you that I read this week. It really got me thinking about my busyness, about how we can get so caught up in the things of this life that we forget about why we follow Jesus and that He should always be 1st in our life no matter what. I know when I read the following I was convicted because I saw times in my own life where I have forgotten Jesus.

Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado.

Can you still remember? Are you still in love with Him?...Remember Jesus. Before you remember anything remember Him. If you forget anything, don’t forget Him.

Oh, but how quickly we forget, So much happens through the years. So many changes within. So many alterations without. And, somewhere, back there, we leave Him. We don’t turn away from Him...we just don’t take Him with us. Assignments come. Promotions come. Budgets are made. Kids are born, and the Christ...the Christ is forgotten.

Has it been awhile since you stared at the heavens in speechless amazement? Has it been awhile since you realized God’s divinity and your carnality?

If it has, then you need to know something.
He is still there. He hasn’t left. Under all those papers and books and reports and years. In the midst of all those voices and faces and memories and pictures, He is still there.

Have a wonderful week in the Lord!

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