Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gods Counsel-Our Worries

The other night my son and I were talking and he said something that got me thinking. He said God sits on His throne and thousands of people from everywhere go to Him for His counsel. They lay down their lives which include their wants and desires to seek His. They lay down their worries and burdens. As he said this, I had a vision in my head of God’s throne and people walking to it and casting their problems to Him and some of them telling Him their troubles. I thought about the many times I go to God to lay my burden at His feet, I say, take it Lord; but do I really leave it with Him? I know I‘ve written about this same thing many times, but for some reason He keeps drawing me back to it. (I think He’s slowly showing me how to trust Him, it’s just taking me awhile to catch on) : >)
God already knows what I/we carry-He knows how to fix it. The thing is; every time we take our worries back, Satan wins. He wins because we lose the peace God gives us when we leave it with Him.

For he himself is our peace,… Ephesians 2:14

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